Millisons Jegge


Playford, 1651, 1652, 1657, 1665,1670, 1675,, 1679,  1686, 1690,      Longwayes for six

“Lead up all a D. forwards and back .  That againe :   First man take his Wo. by both hands and foure slips up, and stand the 2. As much, the third as much, turne all S..  Third Cu. foure slips downe, the 2. As much, first as much, turne all single :  Sides all .  That againe :   First Cu.change places, the second as much, third as much, turne all single :  Third Cu. change places, the 2. As much, first as much, turne all single :  Armes all . That againe  :  First man change places with 2. Wo. first Wo. change with 2. The last change with his owne, turne S. .  First man change with the last Wo. First Wo. change with the last man, tother change, turne all single. :  “

Music:   AABBx3   repeated 3 times*

AA      Double up and back twice

BB       Couples slip up holding both hands; first, second, & third,  then turn single right. Couples slip down; …………third, second, & first,  then turn single right

AA        Siding

BB         Couple change places holding both hands: first, second,  & third, then turn single right.   Change …………..back; third, second, & first,  then turn single right

AA          Arming

BB          First man change with second woman; first woman with second man, then third couple with each …………..other and all turn single right.  First man change with last woman, his lady with last man, while the …………..second couple now at top of set change with each other and all turn single right.


Music:  “English Country Dances” The Broadside Band & Jeremy Barlow  (edited so each couple can lead)

Note:  *  At the end of the dance the couples are progressed and it can be repeated twice more so that each couple can dance each position.


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