Leoncello Vecchio

Leoncello vecchio was a dance written by Domenico in honor of his patron, the duke of Ferrara. It was very popular and continued to be danced into the 16th century.

Basic Dance Instructions

Because Leoncello was danced for many years, there are several different versions in different sources, including  an alternate version written by Domenico, Leoncello nuovo. The entire dance is in Quadernaria misure, so make sure to used closed Quadernaria doubles.

Original by Domenico

— Holding hands, enter with 6 saltarelli.
— Man rise, woman rise.
— Man in front of partner with 1 saltarello (start right foot).
— Woman in front of partner with 1 saltarello (start on right foot) and full turn into place.

— Man leaves with 4 singles and 1 double.
— Woman catches up with the same.

Fast Chase:
— Man leaves with 1 set of contrapassi doubles.
— Woman catches up with the same.

Slow Chase & Reconciliation:
— Man leaves with 2 singles & 2 doubles.
— Woman catches up with the same.
— Take hands & riprese (left, right).
— Together forward with 2 singles & 2 doubles.
— Riprese (left, right).

— Man rises, woman rises.

Later Variation found in Nürnberg Letter

— Holding hands, enter with 3 sets of contrapassi doubles.
— Man rise, woman rise.
— Man turns over the left shoulder with 1 double.
— Woman rise, Man rise.
— Woman turns over the left shoulder with 1 double.**

— Man leaves with 4 singles and 1 double.
— Woman catches up with the same.

Fast Chase:
— Riprese (left, right).
— Man leaves with 1 set of contrapassi doubles.
— Woman catches up with the same.

Turns & Procession:
— Take right hands and circle clockwise with 2 singles &  2 doubles.
— Take left hands and circle counter-clockwise with 2 singles & 2 doubles.
— Riprese (left, right).
— Together forward with 2 singles & 2 doubles.
— Riprese (left, right).

— Man rises, woman rises.

** Alternate reconstruction of the Entrance:  Holding hands, enter with 3 sets of contrapassi doubles. Man rise, woman rise. Man goes around his partner with 1 double. Woman rise, Man rise. Woman goes around her partner with 1 double.